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Mi 'J SATURDAY MARCH 27 1948 THE EVENING TRIBUNE ALBERT LEA MINN PAGE EIGHT Sport Scraps i Eight Cage Rule Changes Scores 4 ertilizer 2 12 6 Drags 3 4 section Electric Brooders borrow Your Orders Skillfully Handled Are ths time la Stock yor bom' locksr! Phone 3968 Rapid Printing Co ights Last Night i an an 40 41 1ft IM IM Ut 12 ISO 11 US 10 14 I 14 11 M04 Ml MS1 4M KI 404 4111 M4 Ml MS i 14 10 US L4 1 I IS It The sports world is in ths annual that period where wint er sports come to a conclusion and before spring a tide tie High school athletics are dormant until weather permits the boys to start baseball track tennis and golf Baseball the summer's big sport is in the training period for the professionals while the amateurs are getting their chibs lined up This is the only time in the year where there is no real overlap in sportsBaseball In the fall runs into football and the gridiron sport is followed closely by basketball ii ii is IS IS1 I II 14 11 It SI a IT IIS sai SM is its rnora 2 tw Amritaria Ww xrw yobe aw toMnhMWMU rwau iiba MIAMI Ma XBase Julian (Lefty) Johnson who pitch ed for airfax in th Western Minny circuit last year has signed to hurl for the Winona PNAA big fellow 5 feet 11 and weighing 18? poundslie averages 10 strike outs per gains last season at air fax Gurtavu Adolphus Is casting eyes on Pinky Yess and Dick Bor kenhagen of Waseca and Don Jac obson of Crosby Ironton JBIg Law rence Krause will also graduate and Minnesota is looking Mm overEdwin Spencer will again coach football at Winona high next sea son Jimmy Johnson will captain the Red Wing high eagers next year ToStart With Braves a I eastern College Still Coachless WASHINGTON (ff) George Washington university still was seeking a football coach today af ter Chauncey Simpson had accept ed the job Thursday and turned it down riday Simpson backfield coach at the University of Missouri telephoned President Cloyd Marvin last night to say Missouri had countered the George Washington offer with such substantial pay boost that he had decided not to leave IITtW Radio Stnrtce pmm jjj Horn S4 Thursday A9 1 NEW YORK (ff) Eight new rules will govern basketball games next season None of the change is major A casual spectator may not no tice them at all The new regulation were adop ted by the National Basketball committee which closed it an nual meeting here yesterday The committee has 20 members re presenting colleges high schools the AAU YMCA and Canadian organization Here are the chanties: 1 1 The clock will be stopped every time the ball becomes dead during the final two minute of a college game In the past it ha been stopped each time dur ing the last three minute No change was made tn the high school rule which stops the dock on each dead ball after five min ute of the fourth quarter 2 A foul committed on a (arawrty QoMArdal rirtfog Dept the Albert Lee PwtoBeMne CO Each man in our employ is an expert in his so that the finished result when you place a printing order with us is always satisfactory And in the long run that economy! 7 Teams Enter jegion Cage Meet INDIANAPOLIS (P) American Legion national headquarters said yesterday state champions have been ceritifed for the Legion Na tional Basketball tournament at Jeffersonville Ind April 1 4 Ten others will be determined in a few days New York and IHnol officials both certified two state champions New York will send teams from meet in a special preliminary Apr 1 A playoff wiU be held in Illinois to decide whether the Kankakee post or Darius Girenas post 271 of Chicago will represent that state Berryhill Poat 185 Midland Mich the 1947 champion was an auto matic qualifier Other certified included Dahl berg Makris Port 7 Rhinelander Wla and Melvin Heart Port 21 Moorhead Minn Additional state champion to be tent include North and South Da kota $225 mmI I qoMUtiea) Camera Seeks US Papers KNOXVILLE Tenn Pri mo Camera say ha will file a de claration of intention to become a cltitM of the United State in New York City on Mar 81 Th former world heavyweight champion her to appear in a wrestling match snowed report er an order from the ImmigraUM and naturatttaUoa service nt the Department of Justice direc ting him to appear Camera aaM he had applied for Mtaralisatioi paper ta Ki aro Text last Dee 4 Hatchery Lake Mills lows Orotawold Profs ul I I I IT IT Consignment Sale Saturday April 3 A 1 Vacant lot on North Broadway acrou from City Hall Anyone having furniture or household goods of any kind bring to lot between 8 and 1 1 am day of ante rleaee Kat yotir property with Call 4272 so we can ad vertise property for sale Tide eale ie gotten up for the benefit of tboee who have been calling me and other about a sale ot imizma BROWN Auctioneer Albert Lea Phone 4272 Bowl acts throw in from out of bound on a dead ball will be charged aa personal instead of technical foul 1 No offensive team will be allowed to place as many a three' player tn close formation on any restraining line when taking the ball from out of bound 4 A player taken out during a time out period can return be fore play I resumed 5 A coach can talk with hl team at the bench during time outa Substitute will be required to report only to the scorekeep er upon entering the game and will not have to report to the reforee 1 A player who commit a foul must raise hl hand so he can be identified by the spectator All jump ball will be made at the naarest of three six foot circle REEBORN COUNTY CO OPOILCO Albert Austin Myrti Wn haw a good supply of 'boef quartern of any grade you desire Try Our home made aausegee end bologna Custom Butchering and Processing qguntiUee Cecil Avise RockweO lewa CHICKS Bred Uk Hybrid Cam I KMT ft CMSlS lU Jack Kramer and Bomm Rlbbs 1 top names of the professional tenn is world will appesr In matches in the Minneapolis Auditorium Apr 14Tncluded In the troupe is rancisco Pancho) Segura South American netter and Australian Davie cupper and Dinny Pall who turned pro with Kramer iart fallAccording to report from North and South Dakota the bllszard last January and ebruary took a heavy toll among the pheasant crop Lt Leslie Gulhrandson son of Mr May Bell Gulbrand sen 507 Main street Albert Lea a squadron pitot of th 62nd Troop Carrier Group at McChord AB Washington has been picked as one of th outstanding player in the Air orce basketball tourna ment held In Denver Colo this monthThe McChord Bombers won the AAU Western Air orce event and tost the National in th final game by one point in over time 'with Langley ABGul brandsoo a graduate of the Albert Lea Junior college entered th Armed orce in Sept 1942H served eight months in the Pa cific areaIn addition to tho Dta tlngtdahed lying Cross the Air Medsl with four oak leaf cluster and Purple Heart wears the Asiatic Pacific Theater ribbon with four battle atar a nd the American Defense and Victory rib bonH will return home after separation from the Air orce to April In a blistering attack against money mad sport promoters and ticket racketeers th current issue erf Sport magazine charge that sport tan are unlikely to forget the rough treatment receiv ed al the bands of certain greedy promotersAuthored by hard hit ting Dan Parker the copyrighted article condemns sport abuses run ning from mis matches tie in sale excessive raeing taxes standing room only ridiculous pri ces to takes bribery football bowl racket and overlapping sea sons Hunting license sale in the Unit ed State for th year ending Jun 30 1M7 soared to X20MW3 and increase of 2212450 over the re cord breaking number sold to IM th Wildlife Management Institute advised today This number repre sents a gross income to the states from the sale hunting licenses big game permits special area permit and deer tags of OMSK work weeks good wages good roads airports scatt ered all over the country new hlgb mwered all of these factorv combined to provide the in centive for more Americans than ever before to seek their relaxa tion to hunting tripe said Albert Day Director ot the ish and Wildlife Service a supply tf game birds and an imals to meet this heavy drain is th chief problem that confronts th country's wlMUfe administrat or Michigan eonttnutd to lead to th number of Umuu told with a total ot XMM34 In volume et menu received Penn sylvania moved into first place over South Dakota which led the state in 1M4 revenue eemaytvan la'a income from licens was SI 8M018 with South Dakota foUow Ing ctoeely with 81873786 Robert Noorman former assist ant biotogtet in the Iowa State Coo servaUon Commlsskm has becn appointed to assist Dr Thomas Scott dr ot th Cooperative Wildlife Research Unit at Asses according to the WtidUf Manage ment Institute Noorman an au thority on Iowa bobwtdtce will con tinue ne et th Mdert wildlife teoilon program in the TH program started to Iowa Httadricksou in 13S ha been a parttime basis by Dr 'George continued by Dr Scott who hecam 1 the first full time wBdUte extension aneetaUst to th state In are from km State Cottes in Wtt bags hi dutie as ex tension associate fa xooingy and enteesalegy cm ebruary 1 IPte A extenskxi specialist be Wfii week wtut nuth group and others tntervsted tn wtidtif MstMrvation restoration and management which la aa iaaportant part of the program of the loss Unit Gopher Nino Nipi Baylor Club 1(X3 WACO Tex VP) Th Mtont4 eota Gopher baseball teat jump ed on Jamea Blair for eight runs to th eighth inning yesterday to defeat th Bajtor Bear IM Shield homered for Mtoacsota to the Big Kight Starbeck May Be NDAC Grid Coach ARGO (PH Star beck whose Iowa State Teachers college football team have won five successive North Central con ference titles arrived in argo yes terday afternoon Starbeck refused to say whether he was Interested in the football coaching job at North Dakota Ag riculture college Stan Kostka re signed last week as the Bison head grid mentor innegan NDAC athletic director said he had talked to Star but he would not say whether Starbeck is being sought for the football job here Gopher Gymnast Get NCAA Edge CHICAGO (A1) Sixty of the country's college gymnasts were on hand today for the NCAA cham pionship meet at the University of Chicago Topping an entry of 10 college and' universities were Minnesota Penn State and Temple pre meet favorites for the team crown Minnesota was given a slight edge on the basis of recently win ning the Big Nine crown Among the Gophers conference champions competing were James Paterson Howard Swanaon and Don Hed atrom Indianapolis Awarded Legion Ball Tourney 1NDIANAPOUS (T ht1 th IM American Legion Nation al BaaebaU tournament will be held Sept 840 at Indianapolis This will mark the first time sine the serie began In 1920 that the tournament ha been awarded to th nations! headquar ter city Th defending champion ll the Robert Bentley Post No of Ctaclnnstl It won th champion ship at Loa Angele last year Karl Btlmpson of Indianapolis commander ot th Indiana 11th District aM 11 game would played at Victor ield home of the Indianapoli Baseball club ot lb American association Seating arrangement will accommodate 12 000 spectator Legion official estimate 15000 teams will compete the junior baseball program this sunfmer 16 Regions or Junior College Athletic Group "SPIlINGfELD Mo () Re organisation rf ih National Jun ior College Athletic association into 18 region for th 1M4 bas ketball season we completed Thursday Under th plan drawn up at a meeting of NJAA officers the bas ketball champions ot the 10 region will compete nfxt yesr for the national court title The NJAA tournament now In progress here Included champions and runners up from eight reglonaUtourns roents Cept Cotemsn Lexington Mo president of the association said th alt for next tournament will be choaen Satur day morning New officer also will be chosen al the meeting Sites ot the tournament A region al vice presidents and th area from which they will draw team Include: Duluth Minn: rank Larson Duluth College North Dakota Up per Michigan and Minnesota Webster City la Bob Carter Graeeisnd college low and South Dakota or Sale! Iowa State Clinton Certified SEED OATS Germination 98 Purity 9977 AUCTION SALE Albert Lea Auction Co Tuesday March 30 1 JOO o'clock sharp! Had a big ran ef Erostock last week and prtcee ww Mghee wul have a rory rood run et Bvrotock toe thia al consisting ef and betters Mocker steen and helfen Hsfctrtaheiters all tetteber row aaf belters hroediag MM and roal eahte Atoo a tew Mg tat buBs Sewett feeding pigs boar and brood yeertJew rp and hmro Machtoery and jeep: one JD corn plantar with nrtucer ittachmevt 14L tend dtec There wiU be other machinery at this sate Also Wt Jeep in very good shape Lumbert Sw rottemnend and oak tamhor Nttet Pteae Mt bring yew Mmitere miesenamon We do Mt have time to eW Mvwtock wroitwe nod nUenllsMW sale later If you are tockm for triroeteck taw to attend these weekly BktteG Hi VOUk UVMTOCK1 PESTORIOUS Market and Lockers Robert Theobald Prop Groceries' Menis Vegetables Open Sunday And Holiday Week Daye 7 mi 8 pm tundays 7 am Holidays 7 am 8 pm Lamberton GROCERY Don Jacobson Prop Corner Washington and William 1 When lb make and model of your choice I available' finance the pawchee vnr mw ear with a kst National eutejosn rates are lew terms coave itieoL Ym borrow Mr toa your peM car wMa oalro eaeh to aoedad wtlronw awptlacatfon tor car toMO IRST NATIONAL 'BANK of Albert Lea Now Available GrassSeeds Marion ears Injury To Knee May Stop Career ST PETERSBURG (AH Marty Mr Shortstop) Marion fear an Injury Jinx 'that helped prevent th St Louis Cardinals from repeating aa National League Champion last year may end his baseball career left knee which he hurt In a slide last year is acting up again and caused him to leave 'the training field yesterday withs tbe remark that be expect i to play ball again unless the trou hie 1 corrected Tm really worried the 30 year old veteran ot eight season with the Cardinals declared I tried to lean forward for a ground ball and tell right on my face imagine what It Ne bon Injury Recent ray photograph show ed no bone injury Marion bought the trouble might be a bad cartiL lag but Doc Weaver club train er told him he could find no algn 1 such a thing "In ordinary walking it does notbother me" Marton laid "butwhen I try to walk up steps or to put pressure my kne to one'ride or the other or try to bend down on It 1 know there' some thing wrong A long a It in that condition I can't play basrtail" Nothing Serious Say Doctor i Manager Eddie Dyer wee a little mor optimistic He said Dr Rob ert Hyland duh surgeon had expressed belief there wae nothin seriously wrong and had advise further heal treatment Hyland I due hare Monday and la expected to give the ahortatop another examination 'e Marion regarded one ot the greatest shortstop th gam has ever produced I also a danger ous hitter He batted JOT last sea son and drove in 74 run Bemidji Plan inal ete for Champion BEMIDJI Minn CMe and service organizations will join Apr 14 for "a banquet to honor Bemidji's 1948 basketball champ ions The event will climax the city's various events arranged to honor the team that upset Hop kins to win the title Special invi tations will be extended to city and Duluth sport writer Coast iver Gain Junior College inals SPRINGIELD Mo (Pj Comp ton Calif and Marin college ot Kentfield Calif will be shooting to take two of the first thro pla tes in the National Junior College BasketbaU tournament back to th aclflc coast tonight Marin mecte tM Murray Aggies Of Tfobomingo Okla at 8 mCST) tor th title Mid last yaar by Compton and the 1947 chamfr toe clash with Tyler Tex al pm for third piae Marin cam from behind In the second half last night to win from Tyler MK and th Oklahoma team eliminated th defending Champion 58 to 48 Th Aggie have won S3 game in a row losing only their naaon In an afternoon gam ort Scott Kas play McCook Nb ai pm ICST) for fifth plate and at 8 Duluth Minn and Dodge City Kaa tangle foe fourth McCook defeated Arkansas A Of Magnolia Ark 89 to 49 and ort Scot: won from Moberty Mo 54 40 tn other games yesterday Drake Seeking New Coach DES MOINES Th Drake university athletic board had un der advisem*nt today a recommen dation by Athletic Director Ruse Cook for a' successor to bsskeibaB Coach orost tordy) Anderson Cook said ha had been informed tn a telegram from Anderson that th Bulkfog' coach did Mt expect to return to Drake next year co*ck declined to say' who bad ecommeoded as a possible suc cessor to Anderson He said th athletie board probably would Mt wet th recommendation for sev eral day Anderson who has been attend ing the NatiOMl Asaoclatimz of Basketball Coach mentioMd in Mew York ha been mentioMd aa possible ucear to Davw Me MUiaa resigned Nbsnaote coach Chandler Dons PhillieSuit Not Signed Up WEST PALM BEACtL la IT) Baseball CMsmisttonet A (Hap py Chandler doMd a Phtiwtalpb la Athletic uniform yesterday and worked out with th major teagu team Chandler batted out a few bane and shagged a tew file la th AY trslata cam te baa brow vialting etub trata tag in the CxHforala ArticM area and wil wtak a swing around th i 4 fc wCDW hdlW Is iV'4 aftw iMoormaa received hla rHH VKNtW VWDi Ed Stanky Teams ccr viyiupxv Cage Place NEW YORK' WV Etght teams open the second American Olymp In haekMhftll trial todaV in Mad BRADENTON la tTj Eddie Ison Square Garden A trip to Lon Stanky will mak his first com 1 don I the prize tor the 14 pest petitiv appearance in a Boston players Braves uniform today Representing the best in their Th seCort sackr tate of tbectesses the rotries Includes four Brooklyn Dodgers srill start for Icolleg quintets besded by power toe Brave team against thelful Kentucky four indepen Kansas'Clty Blues at Lake Wales dent clubs topped by the AAU Stanky was stricken with pneu 1 champion Okla OU monfa the same day be was traded er 7 to Boston fie has been working Th Denver Nuggets National out slowly th past week and has I aaU runners up meet the Oak declared himself ready for action aIKi call! Bittners the 1 No 3 AAU club in th first game Chesnes Question lot the afternoon doublcheader SAN RANCISCO UP) The starting at 2 pm (EST) question of whether Bob Ches 1 On the second half ot the after nes colorful rookie pitcher will noon card Baylor university NC play with Pittsburgh this season runner up takes on New York remslnad open today: Chesnes university The Violet lost to St San rancisco star had an elbow Louis: in the National Invitation operation last fall and has been I tournament but were invited to having trouble ray pic the trials when St Louis decided tares showed an Inflammation of I team should go back to school the front bicep tendon He will Tonight' program matches the stay here with the Seals for at Phillips Otters against Brooklyn's least' tho next ten days 1 National YMCA champions at 8 o'clock and Kentucky agamsi old Their Tents I Louisville NAIB titllst in the SAN BERNARDINO Calif nightcap St Louis Browns broke The college teems are in one camp here today and prepared for I bracket the Independent club in the long trek back to I the othcr Semifinal playoffs wiU Park They play the Chicago White tn Monday with th winning col Sbx two games this weekend in I clut meeting the independent Hollysrood then move to Tucron winner Wednesday night Artz tor three game set with the Cleveland Indian 1 Not Tee Serious I SCOtt DOS ANGELES U7J JL IJn TltlftS Nicholson who ha played in only 11105 Vp llUCo Sf CMXSAM that there 1 BothlDR vit Uvt ice queen h8 forced the finel hcr drlve hl chwt wss dlagnoead as a premacy in the womens figure fcrofrI intouto cma jy wklto mtoM WC I was eligible to compete Imnrovlne I brilliant performance won a Brooklyn Dodger Trainer Doc PJfect Wendeler report that Rsy Sand believed th era is coming along tn good ahape PrfJct by and is ready to speed up hl con It judge in the competition ditionlng work Sanders recently acquired from Boston hasn't play 1 ed sine th middle ot the i94 I Surprise Golfer season because of serious arm InvacJeB Charlotte injury 1 1 Rain wa i' (today caused postponement of th Unions Mav third round in the 810000 Charlotte I Open Golf tournament thirty rix Halt Races fnals wlu p14 row NEW YORK Labor trouble I Chick Harbert the long driving lurked around the corner again to pro from Detroit wa leading with day for New York race tracks 6648 132 a dozen strokes under Groom and exercise boy gave no 1 par at the end ot yesterday tlc that they planned to strike at cond round the "most effective moment I Despite that impressive perform Jsmslca where there wa a four anre Harbert held only a one day atrike last October which cloe latrok lead over Lawson Uttie of ed the Long Island course for on Cleveland and 11 other challeng day is scheduled to open next ers were within six stroke of Thursday The track employee him claim many horsem*n have refus 1 th union a code ot honor with gu(jen 0 QuJg toZT ArtS? oTWffiid Scored in Garden Chauffeurs wfw yobk setting to mVMm udden kyo1 ta main event at Madison Square that moat effective time I Garden boxing ahowa 1 I Th last four riday night main 1 cam I attractions have ended in knock IVllCniSan OtlU 1 mta three ot them short and sweet atari NCAA Tfrnlceri the first round Lean nvaa innKerii Rocro 144 Brooklyn ANN ARBOR Mich VPJ Wlth went out test night and ended better than half the event run Wings ott Mlchlgan today stood out in die Gloea 138 Philadelphia in 133 front in the three day NCAA awlm ot the firet jround mtng champtoMhlpe But the do Mareh 5 lending Buckeyes from Ohio State istered the sleeper to Billy ox were posed to make dog fight in erf the fi March XKMar i mart I cel Cerdan of rance kayoed La tte Woteerines pteeod in even Roeeh to the la i ia fiavold dfoDDed Gino Buofr 29 point total and an point) vino in 54 aoreoda ot tho openin lead ever the Bucks I round' Hosrever Ohl State which cob! in tected 12 potato in th one meter De Smita mw fancy diving is almost rortain I American Heekey LS to repeat in high baud wr event and make thing tough tor Lfons ta tM English Hockey Michigan to to stretch lUague SOCKET JtfatieNBl Laf Detroit New York a Detroit lead belt ot eeven rories 1 0) Lengne) a Jo game lekeduled rno BAUXWTBAll rlATOS 1 (NnUroal Len Moltne Indunnpoue SS (Moilr4 leads In beat ot aerlea) Oahkoih RO Mtnneapolla SI (Min neapolis leads 2 1 in best ot aerlea) EXHIBITION BASEBALL TUr4ar'a Basatii) CineinnaU N) Detroit (A) 5 2 Philadelphia (N) 1 New York (A 1 Boston (A) 2 i Cleveland (A) 10 St Louis (A) Washlnfton A 10 Birmtnsham SA 3 Loe Angelea tPCL) 10 Chicago N) '0 Chicago (X) Chicago (A) can celled Good riday Oakland PC A Pittsburgh )N St Louis IA Diego lINew York (N San rancisco (PCI 2 i "V' i Tl 1 11 COLLEGE BASEBALL is' Seareal? Mlntieaota 11 Southern Methodlit 13 t' Texas 10 Ohio State 4 Navy Syroeuse Princeton Maryland Wyoming Colorado College 4 AMtniCAX GA MACHINE Short Mrtal General Office praduelton Tima Study Assembly SUigineertr SUM'S Machin A LB KMT LEA BOWLINU CENTEX CUT High Eire Orral Turbelt Deb Bergen Henry Hanson Herb Otaon Harry Bennett 20 City Bl ive Orval Turbetl Harry Bennett Henry Hansen Doe Johnson Uaeer Jordai 1 Clip SUaStag Avalon land Lake Wilson Co Midway Mrtoea I Merles 11 Emplr Mutual ngMMMMHHK 'tfe'li LaSte High ir Berni Paeykowskl 14 nna Peterson Allee Shanks Marge Petersen Marge Siewert taels Big it Stea art Maroa Allee Shanks Parrkewskl LaeMi Peteraoe Margaret Jpeieraeai Leslie naaiSiaaMa' CHsen Mf Cm Sohnsru eed Markrt 1 Klelnpeefe ImptomeM 1 Merles Dairy 1 Albert Leis BM rln 12 Xforslua Clara 19 Wttaea OttH Blh ive Judy Bahn Barbara Belhum Neva Caaoel it Eileen Duffy ari' Wanda Heeler Wilson QtrirBl ir Judy Behn Eileen DuHy Ardis Leber Neva Cassel Barb Belhum i Wttao Gtile Teas SlaaSta Employmsnl Aiemmtlng It Ordrt WrTUn 1 Lasting laver 10 later Ceaaty Bfok tve Jerry Grsiton Iluaa lucre Clayton Larson Jim MtUro ts forty Gratton fouaa Juerg Huae Otoon Gil Wroslad Glean Hammro Clayton Larsen Islor Cotaiy Team SUadla Benson Optical Vellow Cab 3 Ttanween Doeeratere IT dinen Brae oods IT llwieaoen Banrtia Goeda I kalUi Two fc MleeUM Valvertai uith ive Hob Nelson Bea Uchraedet ae gtymaae llaaaea Henry Boadiekasn VriregaaTBl ire Bab NekMn Menry Brorickaen Haas Haman Bill rfchavame taivmei TA Suidh Coaler St WeMora Ml Sheet Mrtal IT Muaera ereaeed Heelers I ffzZZw Azyl i Hi ft a jS 1 SrfVT lusrurt Cowataa Ar turn to rii jlfe for tee A JU ') I 1.
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