1 3 3 I 1 OFFICIAL. LAWS OF PASSED AT UNITED STATES FIRST SESSION OF THE FORTYFIRST CONGRESS. BY AUTHORITY. 22. AN ACT to extend' the time for the Little Rock and Fort Sm a Railroad Company to complete the first segtion of sweaty miles of sand road House of Representatives United it enacted by the Senate, and States America in Congress assembled, That an act approved July twenty-eucht, eighteen hundred aad auxty-our, entitled An act to revave and ex.
tend the provisions of 'An act granting the right of wAy and making grant of land to the of Ar kansas and Missouri, to aid in the construction of a railroad from a point upon the Mississippi river, oppo. rite the mouth of the Ohio river, via Little Rock, to the Texas boundary near Fulton in Arkansas, with branch. en to Fort Smith and the and riser three, approved February nine, eighteen unndred fifty and for other purposes," be so amended as to extend the time to the Rock and Fort Smith Railroad Comfor building the first section of to males pro raded for in the second section of said act, for tue term of three years from the thirteenth day ct May eight fen hundred and axty-seven, the time of filing the tific ate of organization to said company provided for the third section of said act Provided, That the land granted by the act hereby revived shall be sold to actual settlers only, in quantities not greater than one quarter of a section to one purchaser, and for a price not exceeding toro dollars and hifty cents per acre. Approved, April 10, 1869. RESOLUTION--NO.
11 JOINT RESOLUTION concerning vacancies in the Adjutant Generals departmont Be it resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Cougress assembled, That the vacancies existing Adjutant General's department at the time of the passage of the act approved March third, eighteen hundred and -itty mne, "rankiog appropriatone for the sapport of the army for the year ending June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and seventy, and for other purposes," be, ani the same are hereby, exempted from operation of said act. Approved, April 10, 12 19 21 AN ACT concerning the Attorney (reneral Be it enacted by the Senate and louse of' Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That 40 of the "Act making appropriations for the legislative executive, and judicial expenses of the coverninent for tho year ending the thirtieth of June hundre and seventy a4 repeals the section of the act of August second eughteen hundred and sixty one, entitled "'An act concerning the Attorney General and the attorney a and of the era! districts be and the same 14 hereby, repealed and said second section 18 hereby declared to' be tull force. and it shall be the duty of the Attorney General to report at the commencement of the next P--ion of Congress, and to each suoceeding 90-SION, the names of all the persons employed tor the purposes atoresant, and where and upon what employed with the compensation paul to ench. Approved April 10 1869. -NO.
AN ACT regulating the ght4 of property of married wumen in the District of Columbia. Be it enacted by she Senate and Hou-e of Representatives of the United States of' America in Congres- as-embled, That in the District of Columbia the right of any mar ried woman to any property, personal or real, belong 174 to her at the tune of marriage, or acquired during marriage in any other way than by gift or from her husband shall be de absolate a4 if she nero femme sole and shall not be subject to the diposal of her nor be hable for his debta bat In PIt troman may conver devise, and beqw ath the date or any interest there: in the same nanne I pith hhe citect d4 it she were 11 See 2. And be it further en rete That any married worn con rut, and 20 and be sued in her name, 10 all matte re hasang relatio 1 to her ave and seppate proper's in the same manner he rore unmarried but nether her hu-'en nor bi- property shall be bound by any 912 outteet nor 11 ble for any re aga at her 10 bu- judgment may be entorced by ex her sole and separate in the 11 7 aNI al.t were sole Ayproved, Apul 10, let 17 AN ACT to repeal an act of 1 the legislature Nev Me co a apitation tix on bovine cattle Be it enacted by the Senate and Hou-e of Representatives of the United States of' America in CongreI hat the act of tho legislature of the Ter: tors of Los Mexico, of February thard, eighte-n hundred and -its nine, and all other laws and of law- of said legslature amposing a capitation tat 00 bor me cattle introduced into the said Territory tro'n other 'Territories or States, or the republic of Meuco, be, and the are hereby, disapprovet and repealed. Approved, April 10, 1809 BLIC-NO 16 1 AN ACT to declare and hr the status of judge ad cates of the array Be it enacted by the Senate and Iou-e of Representatives Cs of the United State of America in Congress a--ambled, That the number of judge advocate, of the army be audl he Ruine is hereby, fired at ght end the President 13 hereby'authorized by aud with the ad and nt of the Senate, to All all varancies which hare occurred or may hereafter occur therein Approved, April 10, 20 1 AN ACT to renew certain grauts of land 'he State of Alabama. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hou-e of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That so much of the grant made to the State of Ala bama by the act of approved June eighteen bundred and nitty MI entitled "'Ar act ing public lands in alternate section- to the State of Al abama, to aid in the construction of certain tulrous said State as were granted to in the building of from near Gad den to sone point of.
the bars and pP. State I no a duecioato Mobile and Ohio railroad, atta a view to connect ith said Mobile and Ohio railroad aunt "'trom den to tounect with the (reoria and Tennessee line ot railroads through Chartong: Willy and Lookout vati ley 14 hereby r. vied and renewed to all the conditions and Mained in the terred to, and subject to the further limitation he the said railroads 15 not completed trom the ol tula act no further -h te made tor the of 42ch ru ani the 1 t- sold shall resort to tito vited Prorated I hat the lands granted by the act hereby revised except mine rel taud, hell be -old to att al settlers onls tu quantities not greater than one quarter section to 171 on. purchaser ad tot de not exceeding two doliars and nfty per acre. Sec.
2. And be it further enacted, Tha the right poser dud it hereby en the companies bulling the aforesaid railroads to take fro the rub' loud- ent to the Itres said 1 til roads carth, store and other materials tor the non the 'c of and the nght of way 1- here by gial ted to the extent of one hundred feet in width on each Sal. railroads uncre they may Pass over the public hai de, 1. nuding all necessary grounds for stations and structures connected therewith, not exceeding forty arre4 at aDJ vue static Approved, April 10, RESOLUTION--NO. 19 JOINT RESOLUTION for the protection of the rats of the United States in the U'mion Pacific Raulroad Company, the Central Pacife Rulroad CompaDI smel for other purpose Ro-olved by the Senate and House Re pre-entatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, 'That the stockholder- of the Union Pacifu Railroad Compa ny.
at a weeting to be hold on the twenty second ot April mighteen adred and rty nine. at the citi ot Boston, (with power to adjourn from day to day shu'1 elect a board ot directors tor the ang sear nt 441dl stockholder4 ate hereby auth est their general other such place tel a8 they may select sud or etin. tut That tle Passage of this resolution tot other night upon sard mon Pat he Co apany thin to hold such 01 be he 'l 403 7 to or wane 411 nigh', ot nite to tasht advantage of an. act ot -aul cific Rulroad Company here done or hereby tue rughts of the genera 201 boon or may be prejudiced And pro ided further, 'I hit the common terminus of the Latoo Pacith and the ('en tral Pacino railroads -ball be at or near Ogden and the Union Pacific Retroad Company shall burld, and the Central Parthe Railroad Compan, pay tor pod on the railroad from the to sand to Promonton at which the rails -hell et and connect an 001 torm one line Sec. 2.
And be it further resolved, That, to ave tue condition of the Cmon cite railroad and the Central P'ache railroad the President of the Untel States 14 authorized to appoint a board ot pinuent citizens, not reeding Ave in number and who -ball not be interested in either road, to tatnine and report upon the condition of and what sum or sums at any, will be required to complete to each of told lor the entire leugth thereot, the said terminus 44 4 frat-class railroad, in compliance with the several acts relating to said roads, and the dollars expense of such board, including an allowance of tou such to each examination for their services for each day employed in or report, to be paid equally by said companies. Sec. 3. And be it further resolved, That the President is hereby authorized and repured to withbold from each of said companies an amount of subsidy bonds authorized to be issued the the Luted States ander said acts authcient to secure tull com pletion as a brat class road of all sections of such road which bunds have already been issued, or in lie upon of such bonds he may receive as such security an qual amount of the Ares mortgage bonds of such company it shall appear to the President that the amount of subeidy bunds yet to be issued to either of said and if compavies 19 insufloient to insure the full completion of such road, he may make requisition upon such said company for a sufficient amount of bonds already issued to company. or in his discretion of their first mortgage bonds, tu secure the fall completion of the same.
And In default of obtaining such security as 1.3) 10 this section pros i- ded, the Prosident may authorize and direct the Attorney Generafto institute snob suits and proceedings on behalf and in the name of the United States, tu any court of the United States having juridiction, as shail be or properto compel the giving of such curtsy, or in manner otherwise, to protect the interests of the United States in said road, and to assare the full completion thereof as a Aret-class road, as required by law and the statutes an that case made Sec. 4. And be it further resolved, That the Attorney General of the United States be, and he is whether hereby, not authorized and directed to investigate or the charter all the franchises of the Union Pacito Railroad Company and of the Central Pacific Railroad Company have not been forfeited, and to also to institute investigate all necessary whether and or not proper legal proceedings, said companies have or have not made any illegal dividends upon their stock, and if so to institute the necessary proceedings to bare the same and also to whether any of the direotors or any other agents or ent, investigate ployess of said companies bare Vr not violated penal law, and it s0 to institute the proper cuminal any proceedings against all persons who have violated such laws. Approved, April 10, 1869. RAG oruer CARP'ETS for Sale and made OGILBY TF you want good CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS OF MATTING, go to May 5, OGILBY'S.
in want of WHITE GOODS endless should variety at bay betore examining the large and 5.) S. 494304 DRY GOODS. A GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. LOOK TO YOUR INTEREST CALL AT G. LEVI'S SAND ades, and GENTLEMEN'S WEAR of all kinds, and may as Low as the Lowest.
CARPETS! CARPETS! OIL CLOTHS! OIL CLOTHS! l'ot your Spring and Summer Dry Goods which has been received and for Variety, CHEAPNESS and BEAUTY cannot be excelled Ladies and Gentlemen will and it to their interest to call and examine my Stock, consisting in part of LADIES DRESS GOODS of all Description and Style, CALICOES, Brown and Bleached COTTONS, PILLOW CASES, MUSLINS, Liens. Sheetings, Pillow Case Linens. Ginghams, Checks, Trokings, Linen Duck, Linen Drills, Cotton English Tapestry, Three Ply, Ingrain, Cottage, Rag, Venetian and Stair Carpets. Also, Floor Cloths of all widths. From my long experience in Carpet trade and as I purchase my Carpets direct a from the Importers and Manufacturers for cash, I can without boasting that 1 can and will sell Carpets at lowest prices and as heap 48 they can be bought 11) any of the Atlantic Cities.
Gire me a call and examine my Stock of PETS before purchasing elsewhere, as I am prepared to ofter unusual Bargains. Don't forget the place, West Washington Street, a fen doors East nt the Court louse, opposite the Lyceum Hall. April 28 G. LEVI. STATEMENT ANNUAL OF THE Mutual Insurance Company of Washington County.
Amount of Property insured, $833,390 34 Amonnt Judgments, Notes and Cash as Premiums 66,039 32 Whole number of Policies issued, 1075 CASH DR. l'o Interest received on Policies, $3773,82 Surveys, 13,00 ash receiv'd for Fie'd Premiums 179.77 Policies 29,00 Clerks Fees, 4,60 Postage, 7,08 Transfers, 15,00 Int. Rev. Stamps, 80,15 Assessments, 39,51 Interest on Billy, Notes, 1 and du idends on Stocks, 2259,07 "To 112 amount ded, of overdue Coupons, 1000,00 $7401,00 CONTRA CR. By Expenses $670,32 By County, State and Corporation Tar, Revenne Tax, 64,85 Postage Stamps 9,00 BI Internal Revenue Stamps, 80,00 B3 Los, by l'ue 630,00 Bj Survey 4 pard, 38,00 Bi Interest retunded.
16,87 Nett Balance, $5,372,38 GENERAL ACCOLNT. DR. Balance trom former account, $30,3 Cash as Premium, 633,98 Interest on Premium Notes, 3,773,82 l'axed Premuns, 119,77 tor Polutes 29,00 Pre- 4.60 13,00 Postage 7,08 I 15 00 Resenne Stamps, 20 15 Assessments, 39,51 Interest on Bon 14 Note $, 127) 07 compou, tunded 1000,00 38 1 84 CONIRI CR talc the Sals 173 1. 12 7 its 10- 95 Post St -mp4 0 00 St ate ani 01 lat 003 69 Internal Res Stu 40) (0) en- a 670 12 bs 63) 00 late re -I nt. It Cash on hi und 3073 20 $1828,72 23- 371,88 W.
MOL ILK, Secretary I 111 De April 28 ESTATE l'ER OF DECEASED ABRAHAM STOUF- NOTICE IN hereby en that the have obtaine 1 from 'he Orphans' Cont of Washington Coun 1., Loners on the estate of ABRAHAM STOUFFER, late of rid aty deceased All persons having us unst the tatate ere herebi to ex tire thie with the son he thereot to the -nb on or betore the lat ut November, 1860, oth ise they m.y by law be ext inded trom all benent of sand potato Given under our hands, this 28th day of Apul 1469 All knowing themselves debted to ad estate die requested to tall amel make um. mediate payment FRISBY STOUFFER, CHARLES A STOUFFLR, MARIA GARVER, Apul 2- Executors and Executrix. A FULL AND STOCK SUMMER OF SPRING I take this method of intorming my fuends and the public that I hate just received a tull Stock ot SPRING GOODS, Con-isting of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, BOOTS AND SHOES, which 1 will sell cheap for cash COLNIRY PRO DICE taken 1: hange tor goods 1 invite all to call and be constaced that money can be sased by bay In tor 4 ish, No trouble to goods DANIEL Wort 11 St. near Railroad Apni 28 1-6)-3 Hagerston Md AT PRIVATE SALE. I new one-hor-e Spring Wagon, I twohorse nger WAGON with seats and cushions, band ROCKAWAY CARRIAGE.
note Pole with sole all complete I set ot heavy double erness, I light set double Harness with Che k4 and Bradley all complete and good order, 1. Set4 all of which will be sold ton for each or tune and good paper. Also, a lot of second. hand HARNESS WM. MARR, North Corner Franklin and Jonathan Streets, April 24-1m Hagerstown, Md.
OPEN AND SHUT LIKE A KNIFE. 500 SITS SEHNER HUFFER'S PATENT SPRING SHUTTER HINGES. They ben the Shuttem -hold them halt open -bold them when tully secure against xtrongeez storm of wind-and hold them when closed-acknowl 1 edged by all carpenters and builders to be the best Shatter lingo in the market l'or sale at SEHNER BELLMAN HARDWARI SIORE, April 21 1-60 No 4, West Washington St. NOTICE OF OF NEW STYLES MILLINERY AND FANCY DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, A'T GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES, at A FECHIIGS el Vi loge Re cond Odd Fel times Apul 2) A PPEALS AND TRANSFERS. LAST NOTICE (' Commi tones 11 met at their ofice, all WI MAY Ith and 1-00 to close the al- ami tran-t for the en 10al Tar Paver all be at 11 met that no lte al be that treat Bung som tis tor 1 B1 order of the are JOHN HARM IN, 21 1'P Clerk.
THE MARY INSTITUTE, ARLISLE PENNA BOARDI SCHOOL FOR GIRLS Ret 1 MI LEA CELLI Rec tor and vet en A thorough Enzhu and Classical educa. ton with christian nurture and training The Ninth Annual Setson will begin WEDNES DAY SEPILMBER For Catalogue or further formatiou, address WM. B. PARKER, Secretary and Treasurer Mary Institute, April 23, Carlisle, Pa. SWEET POTATO 100,000 PLANTS The undersigned offers for sale at huis residence, one mile North- west of Morgantown, on the Franklin Rail Road, 100,000 SWEET POTATO PLANTS of Superior Quality.
April 21 1869-3t JOHN HORST, Jr. ELECTION NOTICE. Notn 1- hereby given, that an Election for SLA RECTORS of the Mechanics Loan and Savings tion, will be held at the office of said Instatution tween the hours of 2 and 4 o'clock, P. On THURSDAY the 6th of MAY next. Office at B.
Kendall's Book Store B. KENDALL April 11 -M Treasurer GROCERIES VERY LOW. SYRUPS AT 90 CENTS, Worth every where else 91,00 Funkstonn, at March 10 J. H. BEACHLEY'S.
have the largest stock of White Piques and tor Ladres Sacques and Suits in the county, at prices that we defy competition. 28 1 YINGLING A FEW STILL Early Rose; Early Goodrich. White Mercer, sad Harrison Potatoes. Try them, and improve your stook of Potatoe Seed. T.
ROBERTSON. April 28. SILKS, you want SILKS SILK or SILK POPLIN Dress or Wrapping don't forget to call at April 28. YINGLING REARICK. SWEET CORN.
Article of 8ngar Corn for Roast Ears and dazing. it. ROBERTSON. Supercr April 28. ADIES' SUITS -On hand and for variety of Mottled and Chenc Mixtures for Ladies' Suits at City prices.
April 28. YINGLING REARICK. FRESH POTOMAC SHAD AND HERRING. Just received and fur April 98. WM.
THE GREAT HORSE SHOW. Twelve Hundred Dollars Premium. At a meeting of the Board of Managers of the Agrioultura! and Mechanical Association ot Washington County, beld ou the 3d day of April, 1869, it was dered that an Exhibition of Horses be held on the grounds of the Association, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 26th, 27th and 28th of May, prox. It was also Ordered by the Board, that, the following premiums be offered. For the tastest trotter under the saddle or to harness, horse, mare or gelding, open to all competitors, rate of speed not less than a mile in three minutes.
$500 00 For the fastest trotter in harness, horse, mare or gelding, open to all competitors, except the winner the $500,00 premium, 100 00 For fastest trotter to harness, owned in the Coun2nd fastest trotter harness, owned in the ty, for two years, previous to exhibition, 50 00 County, for two years, previous to exhibitien, 25 00 For fastest racker or pacer under saddle, or to harness, open to all competitors, 50 00 2nd premium tor fastest racker or pacer under saddle, or to harness, open to all competitora, 25 00 For tastest trotter to harness, under 4 years of age, and owned in the Connty two ears pre: ious to exhibition, 25 00 Fastest pair horses, trotters to barness, owned 2 years in the county. 25 00 For best Stallion, heavy draught, 20 00 For 2nd best 10 00 For best light 20 00 For 2nd best 10 00 For fastest Velocipedestrian, to all competitors, 100 00 For fastest Velocipedestrian, excluding the winner of fret premium, 25 00 For fastest Vewcipedestrian 119 Washington County, 25 00 For best Velocipede, Diploma The following Premiums for Horses and Colts will also be paid: LIGHT DRAUGHT HORSES. Premiums- -lat 2d. Best brood mare, 4 yrs. old dud upwarde, $6 00 00 mare and gelding, tor saddle, 3 5 00 3 00 mare dud gelding, for baroess, pair horses, double harness, 8 00 5 00 HEAVY DRAUGHT HORSES -Ist.
2d. Best brood mare, 318 old and upward, $0 00 $4 00 single or cart horse, 3 COLTS- LIGHT DRAUGHT. Premiums-1st. 2d. Best stallion between 3 and 4 years old, 85 00 00 $3 3 00 mare or gelding, stallion, between 2 and ears old, 4 00 3 00 mare or gelding, 4 00 3 00 colt, between 2 1 00 6 under 1 year, 00 00 COLTS--HEAVY DRAUGHT Premiums -19t.
2d. Best stallion, between 3 and 1 years $3 00 83 00 mare or gelding 3 00 3 00 stallion, between 2 and 3 years old, 1 00 3 00 mare or gelding, 1 3 00 colt, colt4 between under 1 land 2 years old, 4 3 00 00 3 1 00 ear, Arrangements will be made with the Baltimore and Olio and Cumberland Valley Rail Road Companies to issue round trip tickets for the occasion. There will be no Betting, Racing, or anything of an immoral nature permitted on the ground D. BRUMBAUGH, President. A.
WITMER Sec'y. GLO. F. HEISLE, Treas. MARTIN STARTZMAN, JONATHAN SCHINDEL, DANIEL for Co.o, Cotton and Potatoes, tor the -ea-on of 1869, 18 constructed under an entirely new patent, (June 16, 1468 The tour east iron hangers (of the former patents) are substituted by a single WROUGHT iron rock shatt The draught as directly from the beams of the plows, and consequently no neck dranght on the horses.
It is much more simple and etherent than on previous manufacture The "PHIPER PLOW" nas an ardedThe GOLD MEDAL, at the Unea International Pion Trial September 1867 The SILVER MEDAL, (highest award at the re land Institute, October 1867. 'The FIRST PREMIUM at the Mechames' and Ag ricultural Association, Non Orleans, La. after the verest tuata and most determined opposition, January, 1868 CoP For agencies and single machines, address the Manufacturers and Proprietors A. BREARLEY CO, Eureka Agru ultural Works, Olice No. 117 Perry Trenton, N.
J. April 21-10t WILLIAM UPDEGRAFF, BENJAMIN FIERY, April 21 Managers. THE PHIFER SKELETON" WHEEL GANG PLOW AND CULTIVATOR, FOR SALE. LAND 'The subscribers have two small tracts of Land which they will sell at Private Sale, consisting of about FORTY-SIX ACRES, 23 Acres are In TIMBER, adorning the lands of Sam'l Stonebraker and Colbert's Mill on big Slack Water, the other a lot of about 10 ACRES covered with Cedar Timber, contiguons to said Mill, which if not sold at Private Sale n.il be oftered at Public Sale, on Tuerday, May 25th, 1869, 171 front of the Court House, in Hagerstow u. Persons to view the Landg will please tall on Mr Geo Colbert ALIA SHAPER March 31.
MARTIN EAKLE. DURE FLOUR OF BONE The BONE MILL COMPANY announce to the Farmers of Washington and adjamug Counties that they are now manutactunng and have on hand a tors Superor article of FINE FLOUR OF RAW BONE, which they will gudlantee and sell at at rea-onab'e price la purchasing Flour of Boue trom us, the Farm er can depend upon getting a pure article as the same 14 under oui per-onal supervision We invite Farmers want of good article to gise 118: a call, guaranteeing satisfaction. We are still maunfacturing the PHOSPHATE OF BONE, a4 we base been doing heretofore, and are sell 1Dg this article at reduced prices Gue n4 a call HI YETI, KENDALL Apul 21, 1200-t EXAMINERS' NOTICE. The andersigned, appointed by the Commissioners, for Washington County, to enquite into and examine whether or not the pubha convemence requires that the following road should be opened Commencing at or near the School House, on the tonn Road known ay MeAvoy School louse, in trot No 5 and running thence in a south nestnardly direction by the Steam Saw Mill of Newcomer, Heyser Co, to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal at or near Mr. Rockwell 8.
Hereby give notice that they nail meet at the place of beginning on MONDAT, the 17th das of MAY, 1800, (t tar it not the next tor day and proceed to execute sand commission. SAMUEL BOWLES BALIUS SUH. ERS JAMES DITTO, Apr -1 Commi-s1om 19 AF IMPROVEMENTS. Thare stis unpros the CELEBRATED KEY S'TONI win ha- been rapidly pop ni arity among the F'armer a- a Light Draft Plow. I keep them constantly on hand and make them to order on the shortest 1 seri 19 anted to clean 111 any kind of Lam the sole lecit ma o-conston unty for the KIRBY and CH RI APING and MOWING MACHINES A1-o, the Best -elt HORSE RALL In use and other Farm implements All who oncerned wall do weil by mic nith a (all betore bus me elsewhere.
R. RAGAN. VINES! GRAPE Mary Ann and Concord Grapes! The above vamed Grapes are for Sale by the single plant or by the thonsand. The MARY ANN 18 the earliest Grape produced 111 this climate, and is a delicious table variety. They are strong gron ers and pertectly hardy The CONCORD needs no special attention -known to all and approved by all a9 a superior Grape for the table, and as a productive and healthy wine grape These plants are in splendid condition for 1ng-the roots being strong and vigorous The price we will make satisfactory to the porchaser.
Specimens at my Store. T. G. ROBERTSON. PROPOSALS.
The Agrioultmal and Mechanical Association of Washington Couty, will receive PROPOSALS FOR RENTING THE LARGE BUILDINGS on their Fair Grounds, to be occupied as Booths during the tion to be held on the 26th, 27th and 28th of MAY. Proposals will be receired until the l5th of MAY, and may be addressed to P. A. WITMER, April P. Secretary, HENRY EINSTEIN INFORMS HIS FRIENDS that at the old, tune honored stand, LIQUORS of all KINDS and GRADES have declined His WHISKIES once 87 are sold at 86.
Lower grades all put down one dollar per gallon. The generous patronage he has enjoyed for 80 many has encouraged him to make this announcement, as he wishes to share the benefit of every decline in Liquors with his friends and patron April 28-3m. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Notice 18 hereby given to the creditors of T. to file their claims with the ot the Circuit Court for Washington County, on or before day ol MAY next, otherwise they may be exoludel from any participation in the fund now in the the undersigned for distribution.
CASH CAPITAL, $1,000.000 PAID IN FULL. BRANCH OFFICE. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING, PHILADELPHIA, Where the general business of the Company is transacted, and to whieh all general correspondence should be addressed. OFFICERS: CLARENCE H. CLARK, President.
JAY COOKE, Chairman Finance and Executive ComInittee. HENRY D. COOKE, EMERSON W. PEET, Secretary and Actuary This Company offers the following advantages, 1t is a National Company, chartered by special .1 of Congreve, 1808 It has a paid up cantal of $1,000,000. It lon rates of premium It furnishes larger insuran than other compames tor the sane money It 19 definite and certain mot terns It 15 a home company in cuery locality.
It 'There pol mic exempt tion attachment. are no restrictions in the policies. Every 15 non Policies may be taken hich pay to the insured the.r full atnount, and return all the pemiums, 80 that the costs only the interest on the annual Pat menta. Policies may be taken that will pay to the igured, after a certain number of years, durmg life, an annual income of one tenth the amount named in the pohey. No extra rate is charged for risks upon the lives ot temales.
It insurce, not to pay dividends to policy- -holders but at yo low a cost that dividends will be impossible. Circulars, Pamphlets and full particulars given on ap pheation to the Branch Office of the Company, or to JOHNSTON BROS S. BALTIMORE, General Agents tor Mary land. EDWARD STAKE, Hagerstown, Md Special Agent for Washingten County. March $1, 1869-tJan 27, '70.
WE COME! WITH THE WE COME! WOODS SELF-RAKE REAPER 1 ND JOINTED BAR MOWER. On mint of the demand tor tne-e the Mann tar base be on compelled to in. crease their Protons lil 1 hope the coming season to be able tum: 1 6111 L'ameis with all Ma ordered No Machine stood the severe test of the use st so as the and non stand tARIVALLED Call and see our WOODS, chines. CLEAR THE TRACK! THE OLD BRANDT RAKE AGAIN IN THE FIELD! We believe no l'armer that has ever used the BRANDT RAKE, but will be glad to see this most gnbstantial and BEST OF ALL RAKES again in the market There has been 80 many Rakes in the market put up by inexpenenced men, of poor material, that the farmers are getting out of heart, and are inquiring tor a GOOD RAKE lIe: at 18 Try at. It is war ranted in all its parts Come and examine it It has never had an equal.
It 18 put up of 1 the 13 BEST LUM BEE, by BEST WORKMEN and with BEST ENG. LISH STEEL TEETH. WE HAVE THE CELEBRATED Willoughby Gum Spring Grain Drill, MANUFACTURED BY CROWELI, DAVISON, of Greeucastle, Pa. THIS DRILL 50 long and favorably known to the lamers of this County has tally sustained its former reputation Non with the ampros ements of 1868 and 18b stands tar 111 advance of all other Giam and For. thing Sewers now 10 use We sold the Past season very large number, and our expense tor repairs, not amounting to Five Dollars ou the hole number sold, .4, me think, conclusive evidence of their superior struction the saving farmers the unpleasant delay and perpleuty ot going to the shop every few hours or sending for the Met hamic to repan his Drill.
Its liar oun-truction, having a orcular Bottom to the Hopper combined with a circular lever able motion, thus constantly agitating and at the Simp time giving a downward It ULOG, and and must sow any hand of Portilizers with precision without clogging lame- hire leuned that it not profitable buy Dull put up by mesperineed Our Drill r4 tot one season Come and examine betore buy mg then beip We still base on hand she aura allel lelgraph llay, STRAW AND FODDER CUTTER, PRE BUST IN USE. HICKOOK'S CIDER PRESSES, Threshing Machines, Clover Hullers, We are al40 1zent- for the celebrated Hondly Porta ble and Stationary Also Nichol4 CORN and COB CRUSHER Al- the lagle Garden SEED SEWER and (LIPP HOL We keep on hand a large ot PI OW hosel and every variety of Farming 1: ot sup tor quality We are prepared to ut -h Country Dealers with and Grain Scathes Mitre and ding Forks, Garden HOES and 1 a- lon a4 can be bought in Baltimore ot 13 to atlanted good, or pine REPAIRING of all hands ol Farming Implements promptly and carefully attended to and 01 reasonable all at cur Warehouse and examine our Stock betme part haung olsen here. ADO GARDI SEEDS of eyes variety. WAR Antietam Opposite Washington Co Dept, tiger to sp Nd Match 10, 1500 ROILING BURBANK. FARMERS, CONSULT YOUR OWN INTERESTS! tWO ILA ruE MeCORMICK HARVESTER, THE OVIN RELIABI REAPER AND SELF RAKER.
WARRANTED AN REAPER AND ARR INAD 10 DO 119 RAKING, AL CONDITIONS 19 WILL AS CAN BE DONE BY HAND! FOR SALE BY GARVER, FLANAGAN Antietam Foundry and Machine Shop, BASI BALTIMORE STREET. June 3, 186- Hagerstown, Md. NOTICE TO CREDITORS. The undersigned having sold out his Establishment hereby gives notice to those knowing themselves indebt ed to him to come toward and settle up IMMEDIATE LY, as he 18 determined not to give longer indulgence BUSINESS MUST BE CLOSED Dec 30. JOHN H.
COOK. AND SPECIFICAFurnished tor ali for BAECHTEL, COCHRANE Md. April 14, 1869 Hagerstown, -One STORE ROOM, and THREE OTHER ROOMS, with other pris i- leges. in the dwelling house, now occupied by Mrs. A.
J. Spnager. For further particulars, call At No. 2, North Potomac Street, Hagerstown. Apni 14., REMOVAL.
L. The undersigned, having purchased the business heretofore 80 ably and successfully conducted by Messrs. HENNEBERGER at their OLD AND POPULAR FURNITURE STAND, NO 12 SOUTH POTOMAC ST. Have removed their business from the Public Square to that locality, where they will be happy at all to serve the public with anything in their line of trade. THEIR INCREASED FACILITIES For Doing Business and MANUFACTURING FURNITURE, Place them in condition to compete with the Best Houses in the Country, and they are prepared to offer better inducements than ever before offered in Washington County, to persons desirous of buying Furniture.
They will keep constantly on hand 'a select assortment of ALL CLASSES OF FURNITURE which they WILL SELL FOR CASH AT PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ALL GOODS ARE WARRANTED. Their Stock of UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE Cannot be surpassed outside of the cities, and for quality and price they invite the closest criticism and competition. They have in their employ the best Workmen that can be obtained, and can guarantec perfect satisfaction to their patrons. In this department they manufacture all of their finest work, and use the best materials that can be procured.
Repairing of all kinds Promptly Attended to and on Reasonable Terms. Particular attention will be paid to UNDERTAKING In all its branches. This department will be under the Supervision of Practical and Experienced Undertaker, and no pains will be spared to please all who, may have occasion to employ them.BURIAL CASES, of all Styles, Sizes and Prices furnished on application. Funerals attended in town or country. The subscribers are determined that their Establishment shall be second to none in the country, and respectfully -o- licit the patronage of the people.
Very Respectfully, LAPIAM HUTCHENS. M.uch 17, 1809 DR D. W. LATE OF JONES, HAGERSTOWN MD, to MARTINSBURG, W. established his BOTANIC MEDICAL HOUSE, ON Gorman St between Martin and Race, Where can be had the certain SAFE SPEEDY an iyermanent TREATMENT 111 the World tor ALL DISEASES of a P'RIVATE NATURE, al-0 allec trods of the Kidneys and Bladder, Loins aud Bach, Nose and Throat Nervousness, Dyspepsia, Symptoms of Cousumption, Ringing in the Ears, Pain in the Hond and Breast Rheumatism, Dimness of Sight, Frightful Dreams, Loss of Memory, Depression of Spirits, and other Allectiona.
LET THE AFFLICIED BEAR IN MIND THAT DR. JONES the last seven years past, in Hagerstown and many other place, SUCH CASES AS WERE GIVEN OVER TO DIE' Untold ber, can testify that he cured them after all other means failed. TO STRANGERS. Strangers need base no tears of being humbugged AB they often are by talve ads ertisements Hagerston 18 the home and birth place of Dr. JONES, and he meters to the editora ot the papers in that place, who will testity to his success da a physian 111 that community during mne years practice, This Institution having been under the immediate care and supervision of the Dr tor 50 many years end bles him to WARRANT A CURL OR NO CHARGE.
Where persona will come and remain in person under treatment and place the amount of money in bank, agreed upon for a cure, and it the Dr. tails to effect a cure the money will be retunded, but on no other ditions. PERSONS AT A DISTANCE Can be cured by consulting Dr. JONES by letter, describing symptoms, age, and how long standing disease may have been. ALL LETTERS ARL STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL, no one seeing them but the Dr.
himself. All letters MUST CONTAIN A SIAMP in order to secure an answer. MEDICINES SENT TO ANY PART OF THE UNITED STATES by Mail or Expreg4 Dr JONES has refitted his MEDICAL HOUSE with PRIVATE CONSULTING ROOMS 40 that bents wall see no one bni the Dr bunself The remedies used by Dr JONES are entirely vegetable, on eet to the tante and salubrions to the patient, and will drive out disease in as many days us it formerly required necks and months, and in be taken whale traveling or other. wise, without any change of diet or hindrance from une4s or detection u1 trends TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE! Dr JONES -MERCURY-that dors not sweeps make use of annually that thonsand: POISON premature grave. SEMINAL WEAKNESS.
This shocking disease brought on by unnatural habits of learned trom evil compamons whenat School or while alone. This most wretched and unnatural habit 14 carried on to an alarming extent by both seres, old and young, bringing on a host of artificial sump tome of disease unknown to their friends or medical ad: 1ger and it the true cause had been known, they could have been saved from an untimely grave. What a pity tor the thousands of young men who are pining away with disease, anknown to their and friends. LET THE UNFORTUNATE REMEMBER That when weakness overcomes the whole body, joint loss of memory, palpitation of the hear: lowed by pains in the head, back, loms, breast and toms of dyspepsia. costiveness, indicative of consumption dimness of sight, ringing 11 the frighttul dreams at might, end going their on with an tul rapidty, until death puts an to sufferings 'To all such Dr.
JONES will give A SURE RESTORATION, with such balmy juices of herbs as will reinvigorate enfeebled manhood. SYPHILIS. 'This is one of the most destructive diseases upon the human ay stern The unfortunate should remember that when this disease makes its appeurance in the thront, root of the mouth and nose, with sores and blotches all over the head and body, it in fast hastening the unfortupate victim to an early grave. 'To all such Dr JONES THE MOST CERTAIN, SAFE and MANENT TREATMENT in the norld, without any change of diet or amdrance trom Dr. JONES having for many years devoted his attention to this class ot complaints, can give entire satistaction an all their complicated GRAVEL CURED withont that dangerous medium of an operation.
FEMALE COMPLAINTS speedily cared with balms quices of herbs that willsoon dispel that clond gatbering gloom MARRIAGE con emplating marriage, should remember that a sound mind and body is the only thing requisite 1 DR JONISMAY BE CONSULTED ON ANY DISEASE at his Meds al Honse on German Street, between Mnatin and Rice The Remedies need by Dr JONES are prepared scientthe prinoples, and can be put up in a neat upon and compact and sent to any part of the Unned STRANGERS WILL OBSERVE THE NAME ON THE DOOR AND WINDOW All consultations, free. Address, Dr D. JONES April 28-tJ ml 29, '69 Martinsburg, W. Va. DIGHT FROM THE CITIES! BENNETT THE FIRST IN THE FIELD, AND FIRST ALL THE TIME IN RECEIVING THE LATEST STYLES of GOODS! DROP IN AND SEE THE GRAND DISPLAY.
Ring out the intelligenceOpen the door I The people are coming As never before! 'The public is rushing, With rapturous burst, Of joy, to Bennett the The opening First Great piles of Chinchillas And Cheviot Sacks, And Overcoat Beaver For clever folks' backs! And, while we're about it, Each father enjoys Getting Coats, Veste and Trousers For all of his boys. So low are his Prices As almost to shock The crowds of folks pressing To look at his Stock So great the inducements That good people all Are rushing for clothing On Bennett to call Whenever you come to tows ou business, Whenever you come to see your grandmother, Whenever you come to sea your sweetheart, Whenever you come to see the Grecian Bend, Whenever out come to see what's what, Why call and see What Bennett'a got IN TUP PUBLIC SQUARE IN THE PUBLIC SQUARE! April 28, 1869. LOVE FITTING We have now on hand all numbers of the celebrated Glove Fitting Corset, also dafterent makes of the well known low priced Corsets, April 28 YINGLING REARICK. Stock of Mourning Goods is now wore complete thap ever it will be to the interest of persone' this icInes April of 28. goods to examine our YINGLING Stock before purchang.
REARICK. ID GLOVES, just received a large Stock the of the beat KID GLOVES imperted cog 0n1 mithin 28 reach of "YINGLING of J.D. PRICE, GEO. 8. HEWLETT, Virginia.
PRICE 00. This being the oldest Real Estate Agency an the State of Virginia, having been in operation since June, 1867, oflers the most desirable Farms, Mill Properties, Mill Sites, Town Properties, Tan-Yards, Foundries. Also several large tracts of TIMBER AND MINERAL LANDS, some of the tracts containing over 10,000 Acres. These timber lands are limbered with best of (white Pine, wood,) Heulock, Oak, and Reck Oak.These lands can be purchased at nominal figures. THE ARABLE LANDS 11 have for sale, consist of Limestone, Freestone, Flint and Black Slate, as well as the fincst quality of River Bottom Lands.
Parties from the North or West mill find in ham county, persons from all sections pt the Union, many of whom have located here since the war, And ho will bear testimony are to the urbanity "manor and hospitality of those citizens who to the born." For Geniality of Climate, Health, Hospitality of Citizens, Productiveness of the Soil, and for all v. hach Nature can bestow upon a community. this great Shenandoah Valley certainly stands predominant PLOWING (20 he done here each month of the year, and from the extreme mildness of onr winter.Cattle can run at large ten mouths of the year, thus saving An immense supply of torage for the Eastern Spring Market. For further particulars address J. D.
PRICE Lock Box Harrisouburg, 127 Send tor a Catalogue N. -The business of D. PRICE 16 still continued in Hagerstown. Persons wishing to make vestments in the Valley Lands wal find it greatly to their advantage by calhog at the HERALD OFFICE. and examining their extensive Catalogue.
March 17, 1869 01 8 5 SEWARD'S COUCH CURE A Safe an Speady Cure for Couths, Asthma Bronchius, Croup, Whooping Cough, Incipient, Consumption, and all Diseases of the 'Throat and Lung-. Don't neglect severe Cough, or tmos an A money on worthless PRICE FIFTY CENTS PER BOTTLE 1': rite 41 111. GENTLE A Burato, N.Y. Sold by all druggists. April 11, 1969-1y HAIR REST ALL COMPETE BARRETT'S Vegetable HAIR RESTORATIVE 8 the and Woe s4 very now be decided conceded licparation by the for public lentoring to For be Gias or faded if ur to its color: promoting its Aron th eradicating mors and from and Beautifing poisonous Banda nit, the drugs, and Hair for docs It is Dressing not free St11 the fabric, and lenses the the Hair Scalp C11 and AN, Bottle PRIZE MEDAL BARRETT CO, Proprietors, MANCHLSTER, N.
H. l'or Sale by all Druggist and Dealers in Medicine. March 3, 1860-ly. LARGE OPENING SPRING DRY GOODS, AT YINGLING REARICK'S. EAST CORNER OF THE PUBLIC SQUARE.
We bare must returned hom the Northern Pities with, full hues of DRESS GOODS, at prices much lower than last 6036011 SILKS ALPACAS MOHAIRS CHALLILS. GRENEDINES, DLLAINES, LAWNS 1119, PEQUES, MOZAMBIGUES BLACK GOODS, PrO on our Counter 11 great surety Also a full line of DOMESTIC GOODS, Men Ami Bor COLIONADLS LINENS and CAN SIMERS, CLOTHS, CORDS, (excellent quality FLANNELS, SHAWLS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, 1100P SKIRTS CORSETTS, White and Colored COUNTERPANES, Tolet Sets Table Covers, Linen and Cotton Ladle Diapers, Towels, Ton ehng and Crash, Trim. minge great variety, PARASOLS, SUN SHADES, FANS, FLOOR and TABLE OIL CLOTHS, We still adbere to motto of selling GOOD GOODS. at SHORT PROFITS, (which makes quick enler and are determined close out our immense Stock at prices that will defy competition. April 98 YINGLING REARICK.
FOUTZ MIXTURE, 7 The Great External Remedy. For Man and Beast. IT WILL CURE RHEUMATISM in part of SUGARS COFFEES, MOLASSES, SYRUPS, TEAS, RICE, SPICES, FISH, SALT, TOBACCO, CIGARS. every thing usnally kept well regulated ADo, LIQUORS of ever de. PAMILY OR GROCERY.
such as 11 INLS BRANDIES, GINS, WHISKIES AND RUM, and 021 The reputation of this preparation 15 so well estab. lished, that little need be said in this connection On MAN at has never failed to cure PAINFUL NERVOUS AFFECTIONS, CONTRACTING CLES, STIFFNESS AND PAINS IN THE JOINTS, STITCHES in the SIDE or Back, SPRAINS. BRUISES, BURNS, SWELLINGS, CORNS and FROSTED FEET, Persons affected with Rheumatism can be effectually and permanently cured by using this wonderful preparation, it penetrates to the nerve and bone immediately on being applied. On HORSES at will cure SCRATCHFS. SWEENLY, POLL-EVIL, FISTULA, RUNNING SORES, SADDLE or COLLAR GALLS.
SPRAINED JOINTS, STIFFVESS OF THE STIFLES, It will prevent HOLLOW JIORN and WEAK BACK IN MILCH cows. I have met with great succes, In hinging my Mixture within the reach of the Public 1 ani daily in receipt ofletters from Phi Druggi-ts, Merchants and Farmers, testifying to its curative powers. DAVID E. FOUTZ, Sole Proprictor, BALTIMORE, MD. April 28---1 Mar 21, CHOICE GOODS PRICES AT LOW We buy close and sell close, and it mill bo adran tage to all persona ho with to buy CHOICE GOODS at LOW PRICES, to call and examine our Stock before purchasing else.
where. We are receiving fresh sapphes daily, conse queurly our Goods are all FRESH Onr Stock con. stock ot BOOTS AND SHOES, are full and complete, and we dety competition in pri All we ask la for the public to call and see for themsel es Thanking our customers for toeir patron. age, 'we soheit a continuance of the same V. also want to buy 10,000 lbs.
Bacon; 5,000 lbs. Lard April 28 1869. SCIGMAN BENNER 0 ICE. All parties andebted to me other by Note 01 Book Account, are hereby notified that immediate ments inust be made, or their claims will be pat 10 the hands of an Attorney to collection. March 17 T.
A. FISHER. THE MANSION HAGERSTOWN, MD. HOUSE. JOHN RILEY, This popular Hotel (long koon an the "'Rail Road House, 13 situated at the terminus of the C.
V. R. R. and has recently been thoroughly renovated, remodeled and neuls turnished throughunt making it with 115 vator.) advantages of a location com tortable home for the public. A chure of the pa'ronage of the surrounding country and the public generally is solicited April 14 1860-ly.
JNO RILEY. A ROHITECTURE. wr-bing to a je ORA :.6 conStE then houses (an 1)c -4 batCr April 21, 1869. HaLe COE'S COUGH BALSAM! Thinlong tried and popular Remedy is again called to the attention of the public. As often as the year rolls atound, the proprietors annually make their bow to the people, and remind them that amongst the many things required for the health, comfort and sustenance of the family through the long and tedious months of winter, Coo's Cough Balsam should not be torgotten.For years it has been a household medicine--and ers anxious fer safety of their children, and all who suffer from any disease of the throat, chest and lunge, cannot afford to without it.
In addition to the nary four ounce 80 long in the market, we now furalsh our mammoth family size bottles, whioh will, in non with the other sise, be found at all Drug Stores. FOR CROUP, The Balsam will be found invaluable, and may always be relied upon in the most extreme cases. WHOOPING COUGH. The testimony of all who have used it for this ternble disease during the last ten years, 15, that it invariably relies ex and cures at. SORE THROAT.
Keep your throat wet with the little and often -and you will, very soon fod relief. HARD COLDS AND COUGHS Yield at one to a steady use of this great It wall succeed in giving relief here all remedies hare failed. SORENESS OF THE THROAT, CHEST AND LUNGS. Do sot delay procuring and immediately taking Coe's Cough Balsam, when troubled with any of the above named difficulties. They are all premonitory symptoms of Consumption, and if not arrested, will souper or later sweep you away into the valley of shadows from which none un es er return.
IN CONSUMPTION, Many a rare worn sufferer has found relief and rejor es that her life bar been made and prolonged 193 the use of Cor A Cough Balsam. IN SHORT, The people I ton the at tile and it: toe 010 01 nt from n- It 13 for by every Dinggit and Dealer in the United St.itp. TUE C. G. CLARK SOLE PROPRIETORS, Now Haven, Ct.
1: CLARK CO, Den Haven Conn -I have pow been selling Com's Cough 1-am the past and take the opportunity tar way that at has guen satisfaction, and as remedy tor all Pulmonary Complaints at standa qualled always keep myself well suppled with this truly valuable wed no, and earnestly and recommend it to my Yours very fruit 1 BELL. Druggist, only known remedy that will surely cure that vating and fatal malady. For years it swept 00 ate fearful tide, carrying before it to an untimely grave, ita millions of sufferers. COL'S DYSPEPSIA CURE HAS COME TO THE RESCUE. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sick Headache, Sourness or Acidity of Stomach, Rising of Food, Flatulency, Lassitude, Weariness, finally terminating in Death, Are as surely cured by this potent remeps.
as the tent takes it Altbongh but 61e Sears belore the peo. pie. what the verdict of the masses? Hear whet Lester Sexton, of Milwauker, Ma3 6 LESTER SEXTON, of MILWALKEE, Jan 24, 1868. MFSSR4 G. CLARK New Haven, Conn.
Both myself and wife have used Coo's Dyspepsia a remedy. I bare NO hesitation in saying that Cure And it has proved I PERFECTLY satisfactery have received GREAT BENEFIT from ifs use. Very respectfully, (Signed) LESTER SEXTON. A GREAT BLESSING. Res L.
P'. WARD, Avon, Lorain Co 0.1 SIROS, ARM-TRON, Cleveland, -It gives me great pleasure to state has dern e1 great bencht from the nee of Duspepers Cure She has been for 3 number of 10174 atis trombled math Dyspepsia olent of constipation which so pros. unto be 1 that he all the whale, for months, blo do flung She took, at tour instance Coe's FROM Abel 18 well She re. a Care and has domed GREAT BENEFIT this mediome as a great blessing. I raly yours, Jan 13, 1808.
F. WARD. CLERGIMEN The Ret ISAAC AIKEN, 01 Alleghany, testifies that it has cured him, after all other remedies had failed DRUGGISTS. Any druggist in the country will tell you, if you take the trouble to engnire, that every one that a bottle of Coe D3 spepsia Cure from them, speaks in the mont unqualibed praise of its great medicinal virtues. READ WHAT YOUROWN DRUGGIST SAYS.
A ERSTON Oct 17, 1906. 1 THE C. G. CLARK New Haven, Conn. bate now been selling Cue's Dyspepsia Core tor the past 3 years-and take this opportumity to that in all cases it has given great satisfaction an remedy.
and is spoken of 11 the baghest terms by dye It has proved itself a great and wonderful Medicine in numerous a certain and speedy cure of Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Distress after Eating, Souring and Riming of Food, Cole, Fever and Ague, Bilious Derangements and in fact all diseases arising from a disordered condition of the Stomach or Bowel I always keep myselt well supplied with the article, and must cheerfully and conscientiously recommend! le to my customers Yours very truly, H. BELL, Druggists, A 1 Hagerstown, 1 COE'S DYSPEPSIA CURE Will also be found invaluable all rason of Diarrhea, Dyseutery, Colic, Summer of Complaints, Griping and in fart every disordered condition the a Sold by Druggists in city or coantry everywhere at 81 per Bottle, or by application to THE U. G. OLARK SOLE PROPRIETORS, Oct. 7, 1808-13 wily 1'69 cow.
New Haves, THE GREAT ZINGARI BITTERS. A SAFE BLOOD PURIFIER, A SPLENDID TONIC, A PLEASANT BEVERAGE. A CERTAIN CURE AND PREVENTIVE OF DISEASES. The ZINGARI are compounded from a prescripiion of the celebrated Egyptian physician DR. CHEOP8US, whe, after years of trial and experiment, discovered the Herb--the most remarkable vegetable production, the earth, perhaps, has ever yield.
ed certainly the most effective is the care of It, in combination with the other valuable properties of which the ZINGARI BITTERS is composed, will oure DYSPEPSIA, FEVER AND AGUE, BILIOUS FEVER, CHOLIC, COLDS, BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION 'IN ITS FIRST STAGE, FLATULENCY, NERVOUS DEBILITY, FEMALE COMPLAINTS, RHEU. MATISM, DYSENTERY, ACUTE AND CHRONIC DIARRHEA, CHOLERA MORELS, CHOLF.RA. TYPHOID AND TIPIL: FEVER, FEVER," Scrofula, Diseases of the Kiducys, Habitual Costiveness, In the PREVENTION and CURE of the above dis eases, 11 has ever been known to fail, as thousands of our most prominent throughout all parts of the country, will testify. Let the afflicted send for circular containing testimenials and certificates of these uho have been cured after their cares have been pronounced bopeless by our best physicians PRINCIPAL DEPOT, F. RAHTER No.
6, N. Front Street, Philadelphia. RECOMMENDED BY David R. Porter, of Pennsylvania Hon. Robert Fisher.
Hon. Edward McPherson, 4 Hon. Joel Danner, Hon. Wu. MoSherry, and others SEND FOR CIRCULARS.
February 10 1869-1y. THE STATEN ISLAND FANCY DYEING EST ESTABLISHMENT Has opened a branch ofhre at No. 110, West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Opposite Mr. Geo. H.
Neal With an experience of over Any rears, and facilities unequalled by any other esabhahment, ne may justly claish to be the Aret dyeing and cleansing establishment In this country Ladies Dresses, Cloaks, Wool-Knit and other Shawls, cleaned or dyed in a superior minter Velvet Cloaks Handsomely Dyed. Camels Hair, Paisley and Broche AWLS, clewed in a superior manner. SILK DRESSES CLEANED Without Taking Apart. Gents' Coats, Pants and Vests. Dyed and Cleaned without ripping.
LINEN AND MUSLIN SHADES CLEANED AND GLAZED KID GLOVES AND FEATHERS DYED OR ('LEANED. BARRET, NEPHEWS No 110, West Baltimore Street, Baltimore. GOODS received and returned by express. March 3 1869 3m A CONSTITUTION The BITTERS. In USP A PERFECT CURE CHAINS ORNAMENTS made of the h.or ot a feud or deceased relative, would do nell to call and examine the book of patterns in the only one ot the kind in the county.
This book ontaina (702) weren bundred and two difle rent patterns of lar Work All orders promptly attended to and work C. warranted to gaTe satistaction FORCE. April 21 No 35, West Wanbington Street TALKER, NILL are daily in receipt large quantities of Goods embrac ing every thing in their line. Their specializes in SUGARS, COFFEE, SYRUPS, SPICES, Also, a late invoice of FOREIGN LIQUORS, which they offer to the trade at greatly reduced prices. would advise all in want to call and examine their prices "A word to the wise is sufficient." April 21, 1869-t For Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague, Ac1dits of the Stom.ch, Loss of Appetite, Nau-ca, Heart-burn, Jaundice, and all arising from a disordered state of the Stomach, Liver or Intc-tines.
Those unable to attend can receive a copy by tor warding 25 cents to the Secretary of the Baltimore Museum of Anatomy, TI W. BALTIMORE STREET, April 14, 1869-13. Baltimore. Md. STOCK QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, at SAM'L ARTZ'8.
Fine and Ground Alum Salt on hand 8AM'L ARTES. No. 1 COAL OIL by the Barrel or Gallon, at SAM'I, ARTZ'S. APPLES! By the Barrel and Jens quantity's in Store, at March 10, SAM'L ARTZ'S. JEWELRY.
WANN JEWELRY of the latest de. agna executed in the beat of Style at reasonabie prices Persons of having JEWELRY, CHAINS ORNAMENTS made of the h.or ot a feud or deceased relative, would do nell to call and WIN Ill WEDDING RINGS. AND ENGAGEMENT WEDDING RINGS Warranted Solid Gold to karat five C. FORCE, Apr 21-t Dee 4 No 55, West Wash ngton St. NO OWNERS of WATER POWERS.
BAECITEL. COCHRAN; ofer the '1 bor. La flee TURBINE WATER WHEEL' the best submerged wheel in It bar been fully tooted and pronounced to he superior 10 ali other beels. Er In sunple, durable and wortanted to come up fo representations Mend tor curcular description and prices. -g BAECHTEL, COCHRANE lab Frankha Street, April 14, 1809.
Hagerston Md To 10 CAVETOWN, FARMERS RINGGOLD AND OF LEITERSBURG DISTRICTS. having established a depot for the The undersigned Sale of FERTILIZERS at his Warehouse GUANO now 011 has hand 50 ton of PHOSPHATES and and other spring crops which nail be ashl at for corn manufactnrers price. JOSEPHUS GROUND, April 14. Leitersburg. HAFTING, HANGERS, PULLEYS Put up in best manner, either by con tract or at per loot.
MILL WRIGHTS can be supplied promptir with every variety examine of HEARING of most im prosed modes, Call and their large Stuck el Patterns. BAECHTEL. COCHRANE 00., 186 W. FRANKLIN STREET. April 21, 1269.
Hagerstown, Mel. SETS -A few small SMALLS ONION by 1. G. ROBERTSON. LAST SUPPLY of' Fresh Garden Scour.
The most desirable of Pes, Bean ape Small, Garden Seeds won selling cheap at April 28. T. G. ROBERTSON 8. SUN UNBRELLAS AND PARA.
SOLS -A great of prices and elites of the seusoo in PARASOLS mud BRELLAS, chrap at April 98, YINGLING A REARICK'8 494304.