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Friday Morning- £ljc -Salt £akc uvilnmc June 9 1939 23 Shows Opening Today iParamounts Production Schedule Large Jimmy Roosevelt Agitates For Movie Pension Fund Lakers Acclaim The Mikado' Special to The Tribune Ending" co-starring Pat O'Brienon Eric Hatch's story by Miss Dunne is seen as lovely Utah nm vwnnn rl in a Ami Olyntpe Brarlna and directed Night" and starring Jack Benny representative of New York's arts- nuuurnuu vat June 0 i by BoUis Milestone "Disputed Pas- "Every Day Is starring BI? Merry -Crivhound a tocracy who when her father buysjRepresenting a total expenditure of pieturization of Lloyd CjBing Crosby Cyclops tech-1 sensation (ring a half interest in "King' Cole a a p-p r0 i at 1 $30000000 and giv- best seller warring Dor-1 nicolor production directed nge mir me 7 an' fighter from the sticks promptly paramount the biggest produe-othy Lumour Julin Howard and Ernest loveliness with a picked cast of faji3 jn 6 1 a nan iniercsc in ixirig up approximately $30000000 and giv- best seller Warring Dor- nicolor production directed by ne 0 mlr me 0 aIU fighter from the sticks promptly ng paramount the biggest Lumour Julin Howard and Ernest Schoedsack "Amazing with the arrogant history 58 Akim Tamiroff and directed by starring Claudette Colbert 0 on vear company tor Schertzinger engaged upon an LT" ure pictures and 85 short sub- Frank llorzage "Are Husbands "The Hoad to costar- enterprise that according to i ac him Hut Coles chief ambition injects will be released bv the cor- costarring Fred Mac-! ring Bing Crosby Bob Hope and ineaicr on rmay it is a t0 work up to the position of cham- potion Juri)ig the 1939-40 enter-1 Murf-ay Madeleine Carroll and Al-Dorothy Lamour "The Royal Ca- something more than a lendj(i tion of lmart al 4 hazard He was to bring opera -to wRh a numbcr lhrim fea jsereen-goers with a singer who had turs 1" PJfirS7f! Kiaine Boyd leading her "Sisters 'Grace Moore in "One Night pion feeling that the fighter crown is the one thing that will prove his own value to himself This necessitates long absences from his home tainment season it was announced Vtul Jonra "Ruler of the co-1 nadian technicolor epic Thursday at Paramount National earring Douglas Fairbanks Jr to be produced and directed by Cecil Sales convention at Ambassador 1 Margaret Lockwood and WilliB DeMille "Casy starring i hotel in Hollywood Fyffe "French Without Tears" co- Bab Burr as the immortal rail- during which his wife grows in- The announcement revealed that starring Kay Milland and Ellen roading hero of creasingly unhappy and his son Paramount has launched a new Brow "The Double-Dyed Beceiv-1 costarring Lamour and comes to hate the father- policy in fim production by draw- based on Robert Preston and many other When MacMurray the fighter Upon exhibitors and the public Llano and starring Tito Gui- pictures including "Diamonds Are after ten years of struggle comes fpr pory material andoid in the jar "Range and "Riders of "London After home triumphantly having been goloction of screen talent More the Fanamint both starring Wil-signed to meet the champion he tban sjX months ago the company ''Am Boyd realizes for the first time that he instituted an elaborate system "The Light That cclc-has become almost a stranger to his ponjn(j theatergoers and theater op- jbrated Rudyard Kipling story family The deeply human story fra(ors on their likes and dislikes starring Ranald Caiman "Victor with its implicatioift of tragedy jn motion picture entertainment starring Allan Jones and moves forward to a satisfactory Many 0r the features on the 1939-40 directed by Andrew Stone "White climax Charlie'-Haggles is promi- schedulc- are the direct result of Dlame" technicolor- production nent in the cast suggestions reaching production I starring Ray Milland PatrfSia Mor- in this manner tson and Akim Tamiroff "Rc- The 260 sales delegates assem-: member the starring Bar-bled at the Ambassador were toldlr-1 Stanwyck under direction of that while some Paramount pic- Mitchell Lelsen "Safari" coatar-tures for the coming year will be ring Madeleine Carroll and Joel made in England and possibly McCrea and directed by Edward New York the bulk of the $30-Griffith "The New based Victory Setting forth the story of an ambitious young newspaper vendor who aspires to follow in the steps of Abraham Lincoln' "Streets of "The Daughter" Texas Rangers Ride Agairf" Way of All 'Our the Carters" "Gulliver's "The World on Parade" "Emergency "Portrait of a Mother" "The "I want a "$1000 a "Paroles for "Honorable Uncle 'The Woman from Hell" Wives" "Broken Heart "Warden Goes to Jail" "Hot 'Opened by "Strange 'Light -of Western Stars" of the Range" and others In the short feature field Paramount will have a heavy production schedule of six musicians in renditions of numbers will augment the act with vocal interpretations of popular songs among them "Thanks for the Memory" The "Abdallah eight precision dancers will introduce novel routines and a dancer who promises to be a highlight the show is Hedy called ecstasy who works with only a transparent bubble balloon Other numbers include the Blossom Sisters eccentric mirth purveyors Sylvia Ames who draws unusual music from her xylophone Nan Rae in a routine designed for hilarity and Mavis a beauty whose specialty dance will mark a high spot in the performance The screen will provide uproarious entertainment in "The Gorilla in which the Ritz Brothers do some demented Hawkshawing in pursuit of a mysterious beast the scene a house that is a maze of secret panels at midnight In a raging thunderstorm Anything might happen in such a scene ami it does Anita Louise Patsy 'Kelly Lionel Atwill Bela Lugosi help to foment the fun Centre WithJ en ePt inn and' ac-y Ttfrurrayl ostafri roles" "Invitation to will come to the screen at the Centre theater Friday This is the picture that has received the stamp of approval from many of Salt Lake City's leading club- New York" is one of a doublcjjjllj 000000 program will be produced opening at the Victory Friit' fhlas usual at the Paramount Hnlly- By Jimmie Fidler I doff my bonnet repectfully to Jimmy Roosevelt for his courage in undertaking one of 1 most difficult assignments the establishment of a pension plan and more particularly a pension fund movie workers There's a crying need for such a aystem This town is filled to overflowing with passe studio worke'rs of all kinds who are out of work and penniless The Motion Picture Relief fund a direct charity hasj never been an ideal solution for their problems It is both an invitation to chiceler3 and an insult to those who by work well done have earned something more than a back-door handout Mr Roosevelt plans to raise a fund of from four to five millions by taxing studios one-half of one per cent of each picture's a tax which represent in the case of the major plants from $150-000 a year to $300000 With theater returns at i heir lowest ebb in seven years he will undoubtedly have trouble in levying that large a contribution but if he has the courage to make an issue of and I think he has he may be able to do it The thing that stumps me is how or anyone can devise a just- scheme for distributing the pensions This business is unlike any other Movie Back and forth be- tween the screen and the stage Production crews work on a pic-ture-to-pidure basis and often remain idle for weeks at a time And movie careers are short How will the pension administrators rule between an office worker who has been employed steadily for 20 years and an actor whose services though packed into a five-year period may have been just as valuable? I'm not a bom pessimist-but I think Jimmy has undertaken a Herculean job If he succeeds he deserves the plaudits of everyone in Hollywood Love" With its instant success he changed overnight from "plunger" to "prophet" and a populaf cycle began It remained for Schertzinger to enter a new field the unexplored whimsy pageantry and lilt of Gilbert and Sullivan For "The Mikado" which opened Thursday at the Paramount theater is the first of these loved operettas to reach the screen And it too early to say that he has reached out to a great and enthusiastic audience once more Salt Lake movie-goers turned out en masse to sit back and enjoy Nanki Poo Yum-Yum Koko and others of their merry company through a medium that has made every lyric clear every chorus a deep and satisfying thrill Sound picture technique with careful rehearsal has given the production rounded perfection Every line registers The full flavor of the satire reaches the audience perhaps for the first time unhampered by ac coustical -limitations The real touch of genius however remains in the fact that Schertzinger was unsatisfied with black and white He insisted upon technicolor and he has achieved the ultimate in creating striking effects The Oriental background na- and every act has been designed with an artist's true-understanding of color After touring companies and amateur players the cast is highly satisfying The D'Oyly Carte chorus with its incomparable tradition provides many delightful moments Martyn Green who understudied Sir Henry Lytton and has made a great Koko for vear? Jans Warm Weather wiVid studio maintaining local pay rolls at top level The official studio product announcement for the 1939-49 season beginning September 1 pet forth the following Paramount pictures: aether you have a delightful dcs- Meals Topped With Fruit When" fruit and tapioca get to- ilMTERMSmAI?) THEATRES 7066c Jimmy Roosevelt takes Herculean job of establishing movie pension fund STARTS TODAY SEES has Jackie Cooper as leadii figure playing the lad who despite his difficulties through theg attacks of a gang of hoodljjjnjDnd the fact that his older brother is a racketeer wins through Martin Spellman appearing as Jackie's crippled pal Dick Purcell and Marjorie Reynolds head the supporting cast As accompanying feature "Risky hrings together George SEtllUL and Dorothea Kent in oil other has to do with racketeering gangs It tells of a headline case involving a movie financier with the gangsters with Murphy as a film news broadcaster "Beau William A Wellman's production of the celebrated Sir Pereiva Christopher Wren story of the French Foreign Legion costarring Gary Cooper Ray MilltUltL maica Inn" film version of Daphne Du Maurier's best-selling novel elude two and one-half cups canned slurring Charles Laughton and di-j fruit juice and water four table-rectod by Alfred Hitchcock "tie- spoons quick-cooking tapioca epic story of Apache i half rup sugar one-fourth teaspoon sort an ideal warm weather sweet Fresh fruit out-of-season fruit or canned it's all the same Made with care the result is a superlative sweet conies first The ingredients in- two-rr Me AWtf mg At Salt Lake Theaters irfw i fi scoring a "scoop" but becnmingjdepredations in early-day Arizona salt one to one and one-half cups women for its portrayal of marital tangled up in kidnaping Eduardo featuring Preston Foster Ellen prepared canned fruit and one to and parental problems that arc-uni-i Ciannelli Leon Ames and El Bren- Drew Andy Devine Gene Lock-j three tablespoons lemon juice versal del are found in the cast I bail William Henry and Ralph In using apricots plums or Morgan "The Cat and the Ca-1 prunes use one and one-half cups nary" costarring Bob Hope and diced calmed fruit and one tablc-Paulotte Goddard "What a Life" spoon lemon juice For pineapple Fi'm Director Stahl CENTRE "Invitnlion to Happi with Irene Dunne Fred MacMurray Charlie Rugglcs aiuBthe bright spark of Gilbert and or raspberries use one cup crushed pineapple or canned red raspberries and one tahlcspoon lemon juice aTeen version of the Broadway stage hit and rostarring Jackie Cooper and Betty Field Urges 'Make 'Em Weep' Slogan William Collier Sr "Streets of New with Jackie Cooper also Business" with George Murphy and Dorothea Kent By Harold Heffernan Js producing and directing Irene Sullivan wit in the role Kenny Baker makes a likable and lyrical Nanki-Poo scoring with his two outstanding numbers "A Wandering Minstrel and "The Sun and Jean Colin is the prettiest of the Little and the romantic despair of both Nanki-Poo and Koko The lilting songs are gayly of livered "Behold the I Lord High "For SOflll-LAbT (Ntigarhouse) You (0jn q-0 Marry Yum Tum" and the rollicking "Flowers That Bloom Cheat ail Honest Gilbert and Sullivan operetta "The Kenny Baker Jean Colin Carte Chorus also latest' at r-r in the Spring" are unforgettable highlights A new March of Time dealing with war and propaganda rounds out the hill f--" Field Charlie McCarthy Edgar Bergen also Glenda Farrell "The Oklahoma Kid" James Cagney Humphrey and Rosemary Lane also for the with Bob and Shirley Ross "The Mad Miss Manton" Barbara Stanwyck Henry and Sain Lcvene also Kicks Off" with Joe Pcnner Travis and Richard Lane CUFF NOTES: Carv Grant ifl planing east for a sailing on the he will meet Phyllis Brooks in England salt that ru-1 mored wedding announcement It's hearts and flowers for Kay Aldridge and Francis (Four Star) Hennessey who's phoning daily from Mexico City With two studios bidding for Charles Laughton's return to Hollywoood it's still no deal he's insisting that the new boss must first square his tax arguments with Uncle Sam Lee Tracy's looking for a hit-and-run skipper who rammed his schooner yacht th a Adoree Quarantine signs on the Crosby and Ar-lon young Gary and Ricky Susan one of Jive elephants in a atampede scene thought it such fun that she charged right through a palace set smashing it to smithereens It's a new hobby for Gary he was eo interested in laboratory scenes in "The Real that he's making micro-acopic movies of bug life with with and with RIALTO with Bogart Hope with Fonda Doodle June Young Barnes Ring" Recital Series Offered by Beck Students HOLLYWOOD "Make weep! Dunne and Charles Boyer in "The rn a Modern and from the InereS nothing like a good looks of things on the set there particularly when you re crying over should he a considerable amount of some one woes If you can eye-dabbing when the piece is promake movie fans reach for thatjjected on the screen handkerchief or choke back a snif-1 These two stars probed new enio-fle you've got in the palm tional channels in the repent "Love of your hand" Affair" so the tear-jerking Stahl That briefly is Director John 'smiles happily as he guides them Stahl's box-office formula and through more melancholy situations with few exceptions he has stuck' cagily designed to tear at feminine rigidly to it over 20 years of movie heart-strings The picture will have making iits gay moments but primarily it "Back of eight years ago wiU be one in which the "Stahl was a clean-up So was "Imitation 1 is predominant of Life" Both films did a pretty Every movie he directs is aimed thorough job of draining audience straight at the women in the audi-tear ducts at the same time filling once-and if the men scoff well the coffers of studios releasing that's all right with Stahl because them The pair along with a dozen he knows they'll pay the freight other outstanding hits of the lath- regardless He deliberately uses rymal variety bore the Stahl trade the technique which points action mark His few efforts at lighter'and story to play upon the more drama have not been nearly so sue-! sentimental emotions And he's cessful because Stahl's heart is in frankly insidious about his methods a good cry not in a laugh I He establishes a minor mood for "You can easily forget that you even the small parts and treats laughed at the big fat man who them to a melting pathos Even slipped on a banana he says the musical score is shrewdly what makes you erv slays signed and arranged to contribute down deep in your consciousness to that one tearful end for a very long time A hear'-: 'g is a hundred times more effective than a loud guffaw I know because I've tried them both "I know many men fond of crying over a movie but the women love it -provided their emotions arc worked lip in a reasonable logical manner And I'll cater to the women folks any time The women give show-shopping a lot of thought Men are inclined to he casual and thus are easily led They buy the tickets of course Stahl is sometimes referred to as the "Bclas-co of the because he bears a startling resemblance to that late departed genius of the theater i At the moment the white-haired Stahl a heavy cane in each hand MURRAY (Murray) Husband and Friend" with Loretta Warner Baxter and Binnie also the Spy OLYMPUS ol I a a y) oung in with Janet Gay-ror Douglas Fairbanks Jr and Paulette Goddard Start TODAY When von see "The Man in the Iron Mask" you will hear some of Norma Pedersen Beck is presenting her students in two pianoforte recitals this week The first is to he given by junior pupils Friday at 8:15 at the Daynes recital hall 47 South Main street The following young players are to participate: Dauna Goodfellow Ann Walker Zane Miller Clara Jean Springer Jack Young Zilpha Bo-zone Nola Schubert Leslie Good-fellow John Heiss Elaine Maguire Kathryn Johnson Billy Smith Helen Hudson Mary Maguire Irene Evans Gail Longdon Carlyn Jones Roland Warner Jot Condie On Saturday at 8:15 Mrs Beck's advanced students will offer I program to be given at the University of Utah Music hall cor-jrier University and First South streets Those who will appear are: Ann Herron Cunningham Kathleen Marie Crowder Darlene Kathryn Tucker Elizabeth Lucille Smith Elizabeth Louise Jones Marilyn Claire Schmitt Barbara Lucille Picht Irma Clayton Ruth Clayton Fay Lovene Petersen Beverly Virginia Beck Calvin Reynolds Open-shaw Vivian Elizabeth Beck Carolyn Louise Crowder Richard Smith McKcwan William Murray Mels wan (he mo-st blood-curdling screams 8TAKxhp riamsman" ttith Gary ever recorded And hack of those Cooppr 8nd Jean Arthur also screams is a at ory aiah artz Him in Paris" with Claudette their author is Hollywood a pro- q0 ho rt Mclvyn Douglas and Rob-miere professional screamer She earns $35 a day and works most of the time Years ago -working for far less pay she was trapped in a great fire at Universal studios Oddly fnough before undergoing that horrible experience she could rot muster ft single ncream ert Young STATE "Tail Spin" with Faye and Nancy Kelly "They Made Me a Criminal John Garfield ON THE STAGE AM) SCREEN UTAH (On the Stage) w'11 UaW 'n- FIRST RUN ACTION 1 features! ff Merry-Go-Round" with Elaine Boyd and (On the Screen) "The with the Ritz Brothers Anita Louise Patsy Kelly Lionel Atwill Bela Lugosi and Joseph Calleia Easy Treatment Adds Sparkle to Eyes Sstit 1 I Xx f'i FIDLINGS: All joy from the South Seas has gone And the natives are listless and wan Blame those movie sarongs They've no time for songs YVhile learning to put the things on BFLI-S ANP NO-BELLS: Paeans of praise for "Young Mr Lincoln" mire to be a contender for Academy awards with both HenrJ Fonda i KIllERS KNEE PANTS Smti Itii City Jufljlft 1 MtheMt Niy iiifi STAGE'" SHOW PRICES mms (UtKEBa testa bKf0SED-S OilNOA fARRUl THE BROTHERS mmun hi mi i on AKITA IODISE ATS KCUY 1IDKEI ATWItt IUA IUC0SI JOSEPH All I A EOWAKO MORRIS I riNius lei rirnisi 35? iu I I toTtftorUM tdth Hal BUi Hoi II A I TitUW AND TOMORROW A Mil oowai If the gay party is on for tonight and Alice Brady turning in unfor- and you would outshine your lovely MicksV TdD DdflCBS gettable performance And sister and walk awav with the a note of approval to which beauty pennants this is what vou Dooney is wot kin definitely establishes Ann Sothern should do to make vour eves bright thly hirh as the logical heiress for the Jean and compelling h'm hy Harlow type of characterization Dip a wash cloth in water fairly 1 in 10 rm' A cheer to Maxie Rosenbioom hot hold close to your soul windows for hi continued interest in undrr-1 Moist will reduce swelling of privileged newsboys and his aid jthe I issue when hyd a jnmpy in giving more than one a rhnnee Hay nnd feel tired After the steam-in life Bells to Darryl Zonurk jjng take an ice rube and refrigerate for reclaiming veteran Director lyour face This beauty practice will Hamilton MiTadden' from the bring a glow' and freshness to the ranks of unjustly forgotten men nnd skin giving him a new lease on professional life And a bong on the brassy gong to John Barrymore for his flippant attitude toward the public he's too old for such goings-on Flayed golf with Adolphe Men-Joit and fell to discussing various mimes who have a reputation for penny-nursing Mr Menjou who never gives anyone the last word topped my best effort with a reminiscence nbout certain tight- wad lie knew on the New York s'age Each Chri-d mios according tn Adolphe he gave each of his friends a well-trained homing pigeon DiMrihiprd by McNaught Syndicate Inc Organ Recital Dr Frank YV Asper will he the organist playing the following program for the regular noon rnital fit he tabernacle Friday: Fugue in minor iTIic Greater) Ba The Angel us Massenet Jute run am Ciillneri (range Blossoms rinik Favorite Mormon hymn My Ar by Tn gmsl An fdd Melodv Arr hy Oigamst Marche Iteligieose Gmlinant 1GAYN0R FAIRBANKS JR 1 MUtlttl GODDARD Y0UNGJIEflKf Aln Ml tlrlf and a Rand' HI IH A rill Hi It tl TIMK hifM till a mm i In wtd Ik! TP 1 Mttt tM lit ID tt Ilth Vlt ft Il9 I Illtt till wiitu itMIMtH MttflU IF Jk ftt lw (lTltl llllU Friday li f'f Saturday 4 RAY BRADFORD AND HIS ORCHESTRA TABLE DE HOTE or A LA CARTE kiimm daily 20 MILES OVER IMPROVED HIGHWAYS TO 3ES! kSjL lORITTA uniLiXi lliei vl A UTE STAMPEDE (io Wes lent i) a TONIGHT A 710ui L'titriii Ncplii Utah Mttslr by It UK I i I I IO And tl I 9-riruf orthrslm YOUBG vi OTLilUSEAD ''fcfrriirDs iNNU HARM IS I "Nmah I Inc the i I'v JOE IToNMK In DOODIE KI( KS Oi.
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